9 Ways To Protect Yourself When Driving Around Australia

9 Ways To Protect Yourself When Driving Around Australia

Australia is home to extreme weather conditions and an abundance of native animals. So when you’re travelling around the country, you might want to prepare yourself for a number of difficult situations. And the case is no different when you’re behind the steering wheel.

So, dear travellers and car enthusiasts, get ready. Today’s post will teach you 9 ways to protect yourself when driving through the unpredictable land we know as Australia!

1. Get Car Insurance

Third-party car insurance is a legal requirement in Australia, and for all the right reasons. The country experienced a total of 655 fatal crashes in 2022. This is a significant increase from last year, which saw 588 accidents.

But a third-party insurance will not cover any damages to your vehicle — it’s meant to protect any other parties you injure during an accident. This is why the first thing you should do when you want to drive around Australia is to get comprehensive car coverage from a reliable provider like ROLLiN's car insurance.

Comprehensive car coverage protects you from a number of threats, such as natural disasters and theft. Some car insurance companies will even assist in lawsuits involving animal injuries. 

2. Keep An Eye On The Weather

Australia’s weather is extremely versatile, and you will find different climatic conditions in different parts of the country. The temperatures go as high as 40 degrees C in desert regions and drop below freezing point in higher altitudes. 

Sometimes, you can experience scorching heat and freezing cold on the same day. So, before you leave for a trip, make sure to check the weather forecast and prepare your luggage and vehicle accordingly. 

3. Make Sure the GPS Works

Australia is huge. And what may seem like a short trip can take you hours to complete. So, it’s always a good idea to carry a functional GPS with you.

It will help you find shorter routes as well as guide you to the nearest stops in case you need a break. Taking frequent breaks is important to prevent driving fatigue and exhaustion. We recommend packing the latest map of Australia too (in case the GPS betrays you).

4. Put On Your Sunblock 

The sun loves Australia, so Australian days can be pretty hot. If you don’t want to get sunburned, make sure to slap on some SPF 30+ sunscreen. Interestingly, some people believe there’s no need to use sunscreen when you’re inside your vehicle. 

Unfortunately, that’s not true as UV rays can easily pass through car windows. This means you should have sunscreen on at all times when you’re driving through Australia. 

Also, it may seem tempting to take off your shirt under the scorching heat but don’t make this mistake. 

Wear adequate clothing to prevent the UV rays from coming in direct contact with your skin and use sunglasses and hats as well.

5. Stick To The Main Roads

The road conditions in Australia are surprisingly bad for a developed country. You’ll find potholes, ridges, and uneven lanes in many parts of the nation, especially far-flung rural areas. Even on highways, you’ll find single-lane dual carriageways instead of modern motorways.

So, before you decide to go free-wheeling, check the route of your journey for main roads and stick to them. Trust us, you don’t want to use the small and rough roads and damage your car. 

6. Never Overtake

When driving on rural and regional routes in Australia, you’ll come across different types and sizes of vehicles. These include road trains, livestock trucks, large trailers, and whatnot. Make sure you don’t overtake on these roads, since they’re not in the best conditions as discussed above. 

The same applies when driving in sandy regions. There’s a lot of sand in the air, which reduces visibility. It’s important to wait until it settles before overtaking the vehicles. 

7. Watch Out For Animals 

There are more than 20,000 native species in Australia. Kangaroos, crocodiles, and koalas are just a few commonly seen animals. And although the government has taken measures to prevent accidents, 10 million animals die on Australian roads every year. 

These accidents usually occur in regional and rural areas where the roads are unfenced. You should be very careful while driving in these areas. It’s also a good idea to avoid driving at dusk and dawn when these animals are most active.

8. Drink Plenty Of Water

Since Australian days are hot and road trips are long, it’s important to keep yourself hydrated. Pack a minimum of 5 litres of water for outback trips and 2 to 3 litres of water for normal trips. 

Also, keep lots of non-perishable snacks in your backpack. Take short breaks along the way and re-energize yourself to prevent exhaustion.

9. Carry A First-Aid Kit & Basic Tools 

You never know when an emergency will strike. So, always carry a basic first-aid kit and essential car tools with you. These include some wrenches, screwdrivers, a hammer, and a car jack.

Pack one or more spare tires too. You won’t find many car maintenance shops on road trips in Australia (especially in remote areas), and these spares will keep you moving forward. Good luck!

Posted By Rebecca

Updated : 4th January 2023 | Words : 861 | Views : 193

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