Water Wanderer: Five Destinations To See By Boat

Water Wanderer: Five Destinations To See By Boat

When most of us think of a trip around this great country of ours, how many of you have images of hooking up the camper van to your ute and driving along until you find the closest caravan site, or maybe you just like hitting the road in the vehicle itself and making rest stops along the way?

While this vast continent of ours is an island that is a wonder to explore on land that's exactly what it is - an island. An island that is also "girt by sea," or surrounded, with an expanse of jewels beneath its depths and an array of beauty all of its own. 

From beautiful islands up north to the biggest sand island on the planet and the greatest living organism on earth, we have it all. 

Therefore, how about, instead of the camper, you hook up the boat to the car or hire a sailboat and join me, as I show you five great destinations that can be seen from the water. 

1. Whitsunday Island And Surrounds

As the main part of the Whitsundays archipelago of islands, located just off Queensland's central coast, this can be a perfect excuse to buy an Iliad catamaran and sail it around this jewel of the Pacific. 

If you're looking for a place that feels like summer all year round, you are definitely in for a treat that is the perfect dream, with even winter temperatures remaining in the thirties (°C) (80 - 95°F) on average. 

They boast the popular Daydream Island, which is great with tourists, as well as Hamilton Island. The Whitsundays is where you will also find Whitehaven Beach, famous for its pristine "white" sand.

2. The Great Barrier Reef

While it may seem like a cliché destination, I do believe that we indeed have one of nature's greatest spectacles and a means of magnificence off our East Coast.

The Great Barrier Reef, going from Cape York in Queensland stretches down the East coast approximately 2,300kms (1,429m).

As the largest natural phenomenon on the planet, it is possible to view much of this majestic living beauty from below the water.

However, if you'd rather stay in the boat, there are still options to view this reef in all its wonder, including glass-bottom boat tours and luxury super yachts.

3. Ningaloo Reef

While eastern Australia may have a beautiful coastline, that doesn't mean that Australia's west coast doesn't have some pearls of its own. 

This is one of the many things that you will find if you set sail along Ningaloo reef off WA's north coast. 

It is the closest reef to the mainland and can also be among one of the best places on earth to swim with whale sharks

4. Rottnest Island

If you're looking for a destination to take on a day sail trip, here is one you can get around in merely a few hours. 

With attractions like the Pink Lake, and located only a short distance from Perth, this small island has a vast history. 

It is named after what Dutch explorers thought was a "rat's nest." Thankfully, the referenced marsupial, known as the Quokka, has now gained a reputation as "the happiest animal on earth."

5. Sydney Harbour

While many Sydneysiders may rave about the harbour, particularly for New Year's Eve, they aren't wrong when it comes from viewing the site from the water. 

Whether on a boat tour or the water taxi, a sail around Darling Harbour (as it is properly known) on a clear sunny day shows off the harbour's spectacle. 

From the Opera House to the majestic Bridge itself, the harbour can be a great sight to see, even on a boat, sipping wine with friends.

So next time you want to explore this great country of Australia, take a different route and set sail. Bon Voyage!

Posted By JenniferA

Updated : 27th October 2021 | Words : 1 | Views : 303

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