Visit Australia: Funding Your Australian Adventure

Visit Australia: Funding Your Australian Adventure

By the end of April 2018, Australia has seen approximately 9 million visitors and experienced a continued increase in its visitors of 6.3 percent. With the country experiencing a boom in tourism and global interest, it is safe to say the country is high on the list as one of the top travel destinations for this year. Whether it is to visit the great barrier reef with the kids or to experience the beauty of Sydney with a loved one, the popularity of the destination continues to grow. However, before packing your bags and heading off on an exciting Australian holiday, there is the matter of finances. The cost of an Australian trip can be formidable, depending on the length and nature of activities and one of the first things to think about is how to fund your travel aspirations. Considering a trip to the land down under? Well then check out these tips that can help you finance your dream.

Go the traditional route and save up

One of the most common ways to finance your travel is to use your savings. If planned correctly and in advance, you stand a good chance of saving up the amount needed for your trip, or at least a portion of it. Take a look at your expenses and daily life. That cup of coffee on the way to work each day? Making your own at home can help to save you almost AUD $70 each month. Armed with a well thought out budget, intentions to cut costs where possible and with the help of the widely available money management resources online you can find yourself booking that ticket sooner than you may think.

A great idea is to open a dedicated savings account for your trip. Automating transfers each month and treating saving for the trip as an added bill each month are also handy tips to help you achieve your savings goal. If you do choose to open a checking account and have a past of overdrafts or issues opening a checking account, be sure to verify your banking history and research your bank’s policies on new customer’s past incidences with insufficient funds or closures. Similar to credit scores and credit card approvals, many banks now rely on ChexSystem reports to decide whether to open a new account and track customer banking behaviour.

Be financially smart

Being financially smart relates to much more than being wise with your savings. If you cannot reach your target savings to finance your trip, you can utilise credit cards and other credit facilities to fund it. However, look out for cards offering promotions such as interest-free periods which will save your finance charges for up to 36 months and gives you time before you see the interest pile on. In addition, make use of the perks that come with either your bank account or credit card. Most of these offer air miles travel insurance additions or other rewards in addition to your credit cards.  Using air miles for your flight to Australia will reduce travel expenses while some cards offer hotel points, further reducing expenses.

Make your vacation a working one

If you are thinking of heading to Australia for an extended amount of time, why not make it a working vacation? There are many easy ways to earn while still experiencing what Australia has to offer. One option would be to speak to your employer about remote working. With more and more companies embracing globalisation and progressive technology, the idea of working remotely is becoming much more common in the workplace.

Another income idea would be to utilise what the country has to offer and possibly, blog or document your experiences. You may want to enquire with travel magazines or blogs about the possibility of being a guest writer or even start your own blog. Lastly, there are the options of local jobs such as teaching a short course (using your education speciality) or even working at the local restaurant where you would stay.

Of course, there is always the option of combining these tips as they are not mutually exclusive. The excitement and adrenaline of Australia awaits. With a little preparation, it’s all within your reach.

Photo by Liam Pozz on Unsplash

Posted By JenniferD

Updated : 4th September 2018 | Words : 699 | Views : 1673

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