How To Take Breathtaking Videos While Backpacking

How To Take Breathtaking Videos While Backpacking

Whether you are heading out into the mountains for an extended off-road camping adventure or if you are sticking to urban areas for a minimalist holiday, backpacking is one of the best ways to travel. By keeping your equipment light and heading out into new territory, you can see new aspects of the world and make memories that will last a lifetime. However, the fun does not have to end when your trip is over.

If you make the effort to take great videos of your backpacking trip, then you will have ample content to re-watch over again once you return. The trick is to know how best to capture your backpacking moments while you are on the go. Whether you are using a drone like the DJI Mavic Mini or a smartphone, having some guidance on how to capture great video will let you take the best shots every time.

Let’s look at some tips for how to take breathtaking videos while on your next backpacking adventure.

Use A Drone

These days, travel drones can easily fit inside your backpack for easy transport. While they might be small, these airborne cameras take fantastic photos. If you are backpacking and want to capture the action from a higher vantage point, then simply activate your drone and get a bird’s eye view of your surroundings. Not only does a drone video look great through the lens of the DJI Mavic Mini, but it will also provide you with a perspective that you otherwise would not be able to achieve with a conventional video camera.

Shoot A Lot Of Footage

The best part about having digital memory with a video camera is that you can shoot a lot of footage without taking up much physical space in your backpack. The benefit of shooting a lot of footage during your backpacking adventures is that you will then have a lot to work with after you have returned home and start editing.

While you do not want to be the person who is more focused on taking videos and pictures than actually enjoying the moment, it is important to find the right balance between shooting enough footage to create enough raw material for editing and taking some time for camera-free enjoyment of the experience.

Find Different Subjects To Shoot

Whether you prefer to take videos of people in action or landscapes, it is always a good idea to mix up the subject matter a bit. Not only will diversifying your subjects give you a broader range of video shooting skills, but it will also make your backpacking videos more interesting for others to watch. Do not expect that your family and friends will be interested in watching three hours of mostly still landscape videos, regardless of what country you visited to take them.

Find some action wherever you are. Video is perfect for capturing motion and dynamism, so be sure to look out for high-paced activities that are happening while you are on your backpacking tour.

Bring The Right Accessories

Even if you are an amateur videographer, bringing along some useful accessories will make a big difference in the quality of the videos that you take while backpacking. Beyond a drone, even an investment in a tripod or video stabilization software can make a big difference.

Get Out There And Shoot

The best thing to do to take great videos while backpacking is to get out into the world and shoot some footage as often as possible. The more you explore and find interesting things to document, the better the quality of your videos will be.


Posted By JenniferA

Updated : 28th October 2021 | Words : 603 | Views : 692

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